Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Two sides of Life...

In this post, i will be talking about two sides of my life i seem to have....
one is the realistic, down to earth side...the side where my main worries are- date for homecoming? and gosh, i DO NOT wanna go to volleyball today...
the other side is the more philosophical side in which i ponder about things such as-Christianity..is this the route i wanna take? and how did my life end up like THIS!?
so.in this post, i will talk about both with a funny side note... =)

first, the realistic side
i just read a post by my bff about her love life troubles. i feel for you sister and im here as an ear, opinion giver, shoulder WHATEVER! also, as a side note. today in lunch i was walking back to my table with a salad with lettuce, carrots, dressing, etc. on it and i bump into this girl even though i clearly said EXCUSE ME! apparantly, she's bad of hearing.. anyway, i run into her and dressing and lettuce and carrots spill over me, the floor, and still in the bowl. she says a quick sorry and i retreat to my table. as i was walking back i was thinking this...."well, that's one way to toss a salad." hehe :) i think it's important that we have these "inside jokes with ourselves every once in awhile to spice things up, don't you?

anyway, for the philosophical side:
today i had a confirmation class and although on the outside they're really boring and "a waste of me time" there is an aspect to them that is interesting. although, it doesn't come from the textbook or the silly journal they make us write in.. it comes from the discussions about faith and morals that the class gets into on our own. these are the discussions that i enjoy the most and i wish that all conf classes were like this. i also wish tht the pastor @ our parish could look at this side too! sometimes, it seems like all he ever preaches about is the logistics of the faith and not the spirituality of it!!!!!! UGH! sometimes it makes me SO frusterated!!! ah well, life's good and i hope it stays that way.

all the best




  1. awww thank you! and i know...homecoming..date? AHHHHHH!
    and i love your inside joke with yourself :))) wonderful. totally made my day.
    and i agree with you about Christianity and all that....it feels really by the book, if you get what I mean. I have NOOOO idea how I feel about faith and whether or not I want to believe in Christianity and God...but I think I'll find out, over time.

  2. okay.. so the homecoming date was just an example although it would be nicee.... ;) anyway..i agree with you about the over time thing.. my family and i are thinking about leaving our current church and we are looking at this more radical, cool music church in the city... sounds cool...i'll send u the link for the website.. (ex. they use powerpts in their homilies!! :O)

    Hehehehe, you said the tossed salad thing to me at lunch :)

    This is Jenn.


My life in a nut shell

new year's eve brian brian update ahhhh i love snow babysitting christmas monday smiling winter break Glee SNOW Teusday andi bazaar cheerleading cold cousin crush dance dance class harris girls hehehehehehe little brothers movies no school quicky sick snow again staring story summer thanksgiving volleyball xmas tree 1st post 2 weeks long 9x3 A- AI Ahmazing Alice and Wonderland August B Book recommendations CSC California Pizza Kitchen Comment on your breaks Distant Waves Firefly Lane Friendly's Halloween Henry the V High School Life It's a Wonderful Life Julius Cesar Larriland farm Macbeth Mothers NJ Newseum Notting Hill PLEASE COMMENT R.L. Stevenson Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Sharpay Sweet Home Alabama TCM Washington DC You've Got Mail absent adia adorable aero another fish in the sea another survey answers asleep on me attitude awesome weekend ballet basement bat mitzvah being good at something bffs boring boring post both brians brian being a gentlemen brian's back brother brownies bump camera car accident chapel hill cheerleading dance cheerleading preformance... circles cleaning closeness clumpy snow comedian complaining confirmation class congestion counterpane crappy craziness drama emmanuel yeboah essay fainting family friendly fever first cheerleading practice flaustin austin flirt-teasing flirtatious flu football founder's day friday fun survey funny english class geeky glenn miller goodbye guy who road across ghana hahahaha hairspray headache hearts heheheheheh helping high school holiday assembly homework hotels hunger i love jumping i want school iTunes in the mood informative inhaler insomnia inspiration it's been too long jazz jazz dance kids legally blonde life life is good likes and dislikes lina lingo linwoods llong quiz lmao lol loling lot's of homework lots of fun macaroni and cheese on a stick math test medieval more movies more snow movie marathon mozzarella triangles ms. aleta neighbors no apples? no brian no food =( not having a life... not making sense nothing interesting ny nyc one leg oops... orthodontist out of schoolies philosophical pizza play poem pointe random guys random questions realistic rearranging room religion test religion...ugh... robotics roller coaster tycoon rolls santa claus school science science teacher secret santas serves set short shyness simplicity sis's crush skiing spike spring break straight no chaser super massive black hole tap term class tests thank you for reading the groove of the break the one the proposal the same the terrific twins think. ti-red tired toodles tossing a salad trampoline turkey twilight twins two sides update of moi ventilating venting my emotions vera bradley washing hands wednesday words go bye bye xmas shopping zeros